About Us

Our History

Pendino Luxury Rooms was born from the idea of ​​the young Mario, whose strong passion for travel and unconditional love for his city led him to embark on this new experience, thus allowing those arriving in this splendid city to enjoy a unforgettable stay between relaxation and well-being thanks to the rooms full of all the most modern comforts that will pamper you during your stay, without renouncing popular traditions.

The structure is located in a centuries-old building in Tufo and still retains all the essence of the ancient history of Naples.

Chi Siamo

Historical Reference

Picturesque glimpse with the Pendino staircase Santa Barbara is the scene of another moment of The Four Days of Naples: while the Nazi soldiers are busy climbing this staircase, the Neapolitan rebels throw all kinds of furnishings at them (beds, furniture, etc. .), launched from the balconies above.

Pendino Santa Barbara, steep stairway dating back to the Middle Ages, connects the seat of Porto
with the nineteenth-century seat of the Naples Stock Exchange in the old part of the city.
At the end of the climb you arrive in front of Palazzo Penne, built by Antonio Penne, secretary of Ladislao.
The year of construction of Palazzo Penne dates back to 1406, legible in the marble band of the portal. Unfortunately, the name of the architect is not known.
The facade has a two-tone portal with a lowered arch, surmounted by a scroll with a verse from Martial.
The facade is covered with small rectangular ashlars that reproduce the symbol of the family (the pen) alternating with the Angevin lily.
With the extinction of the Penne family, the palace passed to various noble families, to the Somaschi fathers in 1683
and, subsequently, it was bought by Teodoro Monticelli.
Next to Palazzo Penne is the church of Saints Demetrio and Bonifacio. In a few steps you arrive in Largo Banchi Nuovi.